Basic characteristics and demographics of the children in the study

CharacteristicsPatients with confirmed immune deficiency (n = 45)Patients without confirmed immune deficiency (n = 340)P value
Gender (male:female)25:20189:151P = 0.84*
Age (years) ± SD5.10 ± 3.885.73 ± 3.75P = 0.16#
Comorbidity (none):atopy:autoimmunity:autoimmunity and atopy19:16:6:4182:129:18:11P = 0.023*
Infection confirmed yes:no21:24143:197P = 0.34*
IgE (kU/L) ± SD786.79 ± 3,035.86248.90 ± 1,400.38P = 0.01#
Elevated IgE (n, %)16, 35.55%76, 20.54%P = 0.05*

* Chi-square; # analysis of variance (ANOVA). SD: standard deviation