Computed physicochemical properties of Hz-A and Hz-B

Molecular weight268.3314.3
Dipole moment (D)2.92.8
Total solvent accessible surface area (SASA; Å2)*525.3552.2
Hydrophobic SASA290.3247.5
Hydrophilic SASA224.8294.5
Molecular volume (Å3)911.0978.2
H-bond donor24
H-bonds acceptor57
log P (octanol/water)1.91.8
log S (aqueous solubility)–2.9–2.7

* SASA calculated with a radius probe of 1.4 Å. Drug properties were calculated with the Biochemical and Organic Simulation System (BOSS) 4.9 software. Partition coefficient (log P)