Comparison between contemporary criteria for detection of systemic and life-threatening infections

Purpose: what is it designed to detect?Systemic infections (e.g., BSI)Life-threatening infections (i.e., sepsis)Critically ill among those with systemic infections or BSI
ComponentsTemperature > 38°C or < 36°CSBP ≤ 100 mmHgTemperature < 36°C
Heart rate > 90/minRR ≥ 22/minSBP < 90 mmHg or vasopressor use
RR > 20/minAltered mental statusRR ≥ 25/min or mechanical ventilation
WBC count > 12,000/μL or < 4,000/μLAltered mental status
Cardiac arrest
Cut off score to meet criteriaSIRS ≥ 2qSOFA ≥ 2qPitt ≥ 2
ProsHigh sensitivity for BSISimplest scoreHigh discrimination to predict mortality
Includes only bedside clinical variablesIncludes only bedside clinical variables
ConsLow specificity for infectionsVariable sensitivity and specificity based on populationNot evaluated yet in patients with suspected infections
Non-discriminatory performance for mortality
Includes a laboratory variable

qSOFA: quick sequential organ failure assessment; qPitt: quick Pitt bacteremia score; SBP: systolic blood pressure; RR: respiratory rate; PPV: positive predictive value