Treatments administered to patients positive or negative for anti-FH autoantibodies at disease onset

TreatmentsAnti-FH positive, n = 12Anti-FH negative, n = 30P-value (Fisher’exact test)
Dialysis6 (50%)15 (50%)1.00
Plasmapheresis5 (42%)11 (37%)1.00
Plasmapheresis followed by eculizumab3 (25%)3 (10%)0.33
Eculizumab only2 (17%)1 (3%)0.19
Supportive care only1 (8%)10 (33%)0.13
Immunosupression8 (67%)9 (30%)< 0.05
Corticosteroids6 (50%)9 (30%)0.29
Mycophenolate, cyclophosphamide4 (33%)0 (0%)< 0.005

Values in this table represent number of patients and the percentage of the total