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  • Open Exploration Becomes a Member of Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association

    Open Exploration Publishing Inc. has been the member of Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA) since November 22, 2021.


    OASPA, which is the international community for open access publishing, works to encourage and enable open access as the predominant model of communication for scholarly outputs, and represents a diverse community of organizations engaged in open scholarship. It is committed to the mission of developing and disseminating solutions that advance open access and ensure a diverse, vibrant, and healthy open access community. OASPA applies rigorous criteria and in-depth review to all members who must then continue to exemplify high standards to remain part of OASPA. The complete list of OASPA member organizations, including Open Exploration, can be found: Members - OASPA


    Open Exploration (Open Exploration Publishing) is a newborn open access publisher which was registered in New York in 2019 (business address is located in Xi’an, China). As we all totally believe, open access is today a mainstream approach to delivering scientific communications, although it first emerged as a “new publishing model” that many regarded as simply an experiment. Being the member of OASPA is both kind of recognition of our past work and encouragement for our future work. Our team would dedicate all the time on broadening access to scientific knowledge, and provide a free platform for researchers among the world! The mission of Open Exploration is to facilitate scientific and technological advance by disseminating high-quality content rapidly, widely and freely. With the support of expert editors, authors and reviewers, Open Exploration produces trusted content, spreads significant works and facilitates open exchange of insight and information in scientific fields. As a member of OASPA, Open Exploration will take this chance to comply with the latest guidance of it, and work with OASPA as well as all members to advance research worldwide.

    November, 25, 2021