CQAs of NLC with their justifications

S. No.Quality attributes of drug productTargetCQAJustification
1Physical attributesColor
Acceptable to patient
No unpleasant odor
Acceptable to patient
NoColor, odor, and appearance of the formulation were not considered critical as these do not affect the safety and efficacy of the drug.
2Assay and drug content100%NoDrug content and assay variability affect the safety and efficacy of the potent drug but as the drug is well-entrapped in the formulation as a homogenous blend with SL and LL, these quality attributes are moderately critical.
3PS< 100 nmYesA smaller size of the formulation is essential for lymphatic uptake and higher bioavailability of the drug and is therefore considered critical.
4Drug entrapmentHighYesHigher drug entrapment is critical as less excipients are required to coat the drug thus providing less exposure of excipients to patients.
5Drug releaseHighYesImmediate drug release for quick action followed by sustained release of the drug for prolonged action was considered critical.
6Impurities*< 0.1%YesProduct related or process related impurities affects the safety of the formulation.

The value < 0.1% was set to prevent any toxic or unexpected side effects. This value can go higher than 0.1% if justified by toxicological data. PS: particle size; Should be less than 0.1% as per ICH Q3A guideline