List molecules that regulate several mitochondrial functions impaired in neurodegenerative disorder examined under preclinical as well as in clinical trials

Drugs/moleculeDiseaseType of studiesOutcomesReferences
α-lipoic acidADPreclinical and clinicalNeuroprotective effect, learning and memory improvement[126]
InosineALSPreclinical and clinicalSafety, tolerability, and effective in increasing urate serum levels[127]
Inosine/uratePDPreclinical and clinicalSafety, tolerability, and effective in increasing urate serum levels[128, 129]
MelatoninALS, PD, ADPreclinical and clinicalSafety, better sleep, and a decrease in oxidative stress indicators; no advantages for motor activity; no ameliorations in cognitive functions[130, 131]
Mito-ApocyninAD, PDPreclinicalMotor deficit & neuroinflammation attenuation (neuroprotection)[132134]
Mito QALS, AD, HD, PDPreclinicalLengthening lifespan, mitigating cognitive decline, and increasing hindlimb strength; preventing the loss of dopaminergic neurons in a 6-OHDA PD mice model and decreasing ROS-induced autophagy while fostering mitochondrial fusion[135, 136]
N-acetylcysteineAD, PD, HDPreclinicalAn improvement in cognitive and motor impairments; an increase in brain connections, GSH levels, TH and complex 1 activity; protection against neuroinflammation[137]
SKQ1ADPreclinicalImprovements in cognition and behavior (reduction of ROS generation)[138]
Szeto-Schiller tetrapeptidesAD, PD, ALSPreclinicalImproved anterograde axonal transport and synaptic activity, increased survival and improved behavior in SOD1G93A mice, as well as increased lifespan and improved motor ability[138, 139]
Vitamin CADPreclinicalProtection of mitochondrial morphology (reduction of oxidative stress damage) and prevention of apoptosis[140]
Carotenoids (astaxanthin)ADPreclinicalHippocampal neurons treated with A 1–42 oligomers and astaxanthin are protected from the formation of ROS; decreasing neuroinflammation and synaptotoxic events[141]
Vitamin EADPreclinical, clinicalVitamin E on glutamate-treated astrocytes: healing of mitochondrial damage (MMP stabilization and decreased lipid peroxidation); additional research on AD sufferers is required[142144]
Vitamin EALSPreclinical, clinicalSeveral clinical investigations have revealed contradictory results in terms of delaying the onset and course of ALS, but more research is required[145]
PGC-1αPDPreclinicalSynuclein oligomerization in a cell culture model with PGC-1 restoration; animals with the A30P synuclein gene: decreased synuclein oligomerization[146]
OlesoximePD, HDPreclinicalEnhancing mitochondrial function and preventing apoptosis; stabilizing the mitochondrial membrane improvement in behavior and cognition[147]
OlesoximeSMAPreclinical, clinicalEfficacy in motor improvement and safety have been confirmed; it could be administered in combinatorial therapy[148]
CurcuminALSPreclinical, clinicalIncreased lifespan and slowed illness progression, although more research on various delivery techniques is required[149]
FlavonoidsALSPreclinicalMotor performances improvement [prevention of MN (motor neurons) loss][145]
QuercetinADPreclinicalImprovements in cognitive capabilities, antioxidant activity, MMP and mitochondrial morphological restoration, a reduction in ROS, a rise in ATP levels, and suppression of apoptosis[149]
ResveratrolADPreclinical, clinicalCognitive decline mitigation[149]
PramipexolPDPreclinicalNeuroprotection (mPTP opening prevention and a decrease in ROS production)[150]

ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; 6-OHDA: 6-hydroxydopamine; MMP: matrix metalloproteinases; MN: motor neurons; SKQ1: Visomitin; SMA: spinal muscular atrophy; TH: thyroid hormone