Differences between patients with false positive and negative serological test

VariableNegative serology
(mean ± SD)
False positive serology
(mean ± SD)
P value
Direct bilirubin (mg/dL)0.13 ± 6.040.25 ± 0.260.16
indirect bilirubin (mg/dL)0.58 ± 0,190.75 ± 0,440.25
GOT (U/L)38.46 ± 5.841.85 ± 8.000.73
GPT (U/L)37.69 ± 24,6945.57 ± 20.650.48
GGT (U/L)57.69 ± 38.15140.85 ± 82.90.03*
ALP (U/L)107.92 ± 43.67149.57 ± 78.840.16
CRP (mg/L)1.73 ± 1.708.67 ± 8.960.01*
ESR (mm/h)28.46 ± 25.4925.42 ± 13.560.77
Gamma globulin (%)0.18 ± 6.280.21 ± 9.460.44
N (%)N (%)
ANA+20 (76.92%)8 (57.14%)n.s.
AMA+8 (30.77%)8 (57.14%)n.s.
Anti-LKM+2 (7.69%)0 (0%)n.s.
ASMA+8 (30.76%)4 (28.57%)n.s.
ANCA+4 (15.38%)0 (0%)n.s.
Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia12 (46.15%)6 (42.86 %)n.s.

Significant P value; n.s.: non significant P value