Timeline of clinically relevant events

2017 (5 years prior to presentation)24 h before presentationIn the emergency department (4 h duration)During the hospitalization (2 days duration)At discharge
The patient had been worked up for elevated Hgb by the hematology and oncology service and a JAK2 mutation was found.The patient was noticed left-sided facial droop, slurred speech, and difficulty keeping liquids in his mouth.A CBC, a complete metabolic panel, a head CT, a head CT angiogram, an EKG, and a blood troponin level were obtained.An MRI of the head with gadolinium contrast was obtained, and the patient was started on 60 mg of prednisone for 7 days for treatment of his Bell’s palsy.The patient was provided detailed instructions on the need for representation to the emergency department and provided education on his condition and its cause. He was set up to see outpatient neurology and his primary care doctor.