Diagnostic and therapeutic potential of EVs in MAFLD

Cell sourceTarget cellEVs markersBiological effectsReferences
HepatocytesHSCsTLR-3Pro-fibrotic response at early stages of liver fibrosis[67]
Liver (circulating EVs)Not evaluatedmiR-122, miR-192Increased levels of circulating EVs are associated with the severity of MAFLD[69]
HepatocytesECs (HUVECs)VNN-1FFA-treated hepatocytes released EVs with proangiogenic effects[72]
ECsHSCsFN, integrinHSC adherence and migration[51]
HSCsNot evaluatedTwist 1Limits the magnitude of the fibrotic response[54]
CD4+ and CD8+ T from hepatitis C patientHSCsNot evaluatedInduce the upregulation of fibrolytic genes in HSCs[74]
Activated and quiescent HSCsNot evaluatedCCN2HSC activation[55]
AdipocytesHepG2 cellsAdipokinesModulate insulin resistance[95]
ADSCsKCsNot evaluatedPolarize KCs toward Arg-1 M2 phenotype[75]
AMSCsKCsNot evaluatedDecreased number of Kupffer cells and decreased expression of inflammatory genes in NASH rat model[96]
HLSCNASH ratsNot evaluatedImproved liver function with downregulation of pro-inflammatory and profibrotic genes[78]
Human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal SCsNASH miceNot evaluatedDecreased liver fibrosis[77]
THP-1 cells
Pro-inflammatory[47, 49]
HepatocytesHSCs and LX2 cellsmiR-128-3p
Pro-fibrotic[13, 15]
Human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal SCsRat NASH modelmiR-627-5pImproved liver function and reduced lipid accumulation[92]
Increased Glu uptake, lipogenesis, and decreased lipid oxidation[60]
KCsHuh7 cellsmiRNA-29Anti-HCV[97]

AMSCs: amnion-derived mesenchymal SCs