Sample characteristics

CharacteristicsMean (SD)
Age, mean (SD) (n = 713)49 (12.7) range: 21–85
Length of time since MS onset, mean (SD) (n = 713)18 (12) range: 0–59
Gender, n (%) (n = 712)
    Female597 (84%)
    Male100 (14%)
    Transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, or other15 (2%)
MS subtype, n (%) (n = 712)
    Relapsing remitting MS (RRMS)559 (78%)
    Secondary progressive MS (SPMS)87 (12%)
    Primary progressive MS (PPMS)35 (5%)
    Progressive Relapsing MS (PRMS)9 (1%)
    Unsure23 (3%)
DMT, n (%) (n = 709)
    None129 (18%)
    First line272 (38%)
    Second line308 (43%)
Count of medication classes that can impact pain, mean (SD) (n = 705)1.63 (1.29) range: 0–5
Race/ethnicity, n (%) (n = 471)
    White415 (88%)
    Bi-racial or mixed24 (5%)
    Black23 (5%)
    Asian4 (< 1%)
    Latinx2 (< 1%)
    American Indian or Alaska Native2 (< 1%)
    Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander1 (< 1%)
Smoking status, n (%) (n = 709)
    Never smoker465 (66%)
    Former smoker198 (28%)
    Current or social smoker46 (6%)
Education, n (%) (n = 713)
    High school equivalency or below36 (5%)
    Associate degree or some college167 (23%)
    Bachelor’s degree259 (36%)
    Master’s degree or above251 (35%)
Stressors, mean (SD) (n = 713)
    Childhood count 2.6 (1.96)
    Childhood severity9.8 (8.8)
    Adult count23.6 (14)
    Adult severity55.3 (30.8)
Outcome variables (n = 713)
    Fatigue, median (IQR), mean (SD)58 (52–63), 57 (9)
    Pain interference, median (IQR), mean (SD)54 (41–62), 53 (10.5)
    Psychiatric morbidity count, mean (SD)2.2 (1.7) range: 0–6