Results of the clinical and ultrasound enthesis assessment and the elastography study of patellar and Achilles’ tendons

AssessmentControlsPsoA groupPso groupP-value
SPARCC score, median (25–75%)-8.0 (3.5–11.5)1.0 (0–2.0)< 0.001
MASEI score, median (25–75%)-11.0 (6.0–15.0)5.0 (4.0–11.0)< 0.001
Patellar tendon stiffness, mean (SD)127.8 (18.5)119.2 (19.7)138.8 (11.5)< 0.001a
Achilles’ tendon stiffness, median (25–75%)198.0 (183.2–212.0)184.8 (175.5–193.9)206.2 (199.3–213.4)

< 0.001a

< 0.018b

a Among both subgroups of patients; b between controls and PsoA group