Patient and liver tumor characteristics prior to the start of treatment

Clinical variablesValue
Number of subjects48
Agea [mean ± standard deviation (SD), years]55.3 ± 18
Sex (female:male)25:23
Number of lesions94
KRAS positive29/48 (60.4%)
Extrahepatic disease23/48 (47.9%)
The median time between MRI and chemotherapy (days)23
Local tumor progression17/48 (35.4%)
Chemoradiotherapy17/48 (35.4%)
Follow-up (months)34.9 21
Location of primary tumor
Ascending colon35/48 (72.9%)
Transverse colon2/48 (4.2%)
Descending and sigmoid colon11/48 (22.9%)
No testing available30/48 (62.5%)
MSI-low (L)17/48 (35.4%)
MSI-high (H)1/48 (2.1%)
Tumor number
131/48 (64.6%)
> 117/48 (35.4%)
TNM classification
II or III4/48 (8.3%)
IV44/48 (91.7%)
Tumor size
≤ 3 cm61/94 (64.9%)
> 3 cm33/94 (35.1%)
Chemotherapy regimen
FOLFIRI4/48 (8.3%)
FOLFOX44/48 (91.7%)

a at the time of MRI