Summary of Tukey’s multiple comparisons for Met dose-curve in MDA-MB-231 cells at 24 h

Tukey’s multiple comparisonsMean difference95% CI of differenceAbove HSDSummaryAdjusted P value
Control vs. 1 mmol/L2.8–6.04 to 11.64Nons0.8306
1 mmol/L vs. 2.5 mmol/L7.93–0.91 to 16.77Nons0.0845
2.5 mmol/L vs. 5 mmol/L10.972.12 to 19.81Yes*0.0147
5 mmol/L vs. 10 mmol/L8.31–0.53 to 17.15Nons0.068

* P < 0.05. CI: confidence interval