Comparative analysis of MRI sematic features of medulloblastoma in the present study with previous studies by Hussain et al. [26] and Yeom et al. [27]

MedulloblastomaPresent study n = 21Study by Hussain et al. [26] n = 29Study by Yeom et al. [27] n = 38
Tumor location Midline90.5%89.7%82%
Others i.e., lateral9.5%10.3%18%
Tumor marginsWell defined 90.5%51.7%82%
Ill defined9.5%48.3%18%
Heterogeneous 76.2%75.9%

≤ 1 cm (55%)

> 1 cm (24%)

Peritumoral oedema28.6%-50%

-: blank cell