Selected anticancer effects of SAB on tumor cell lines

Type of cancerModel/cell lineMorphological effectsMechanisms of actionReferences
Oral cancerCAL27, SCC4, Leuk1Apoptosis, inhibits cell growth, anti-angiogenesis↓HIF-1α, ↓TNFα, ↓MMP9, ↓Tenascin-C, ↓Osteopontin, ↓TGFβ, ↓Cox-2, ↓HGF, ↓MMP2, ↑THBS2[75, 76]
CAL27, HN4, and Leuk1Apoptosis, inhibits cell growth, modulates Warburg effect↓MMP, ↓PI3K/Akt/HIF-α[123]
LeukemiaHL-60Apoptosis, inhibits cell growth-[125]
Cervical cancerHela cells SAB + ATOApoptosis, inhibits cell growth↓pro-caspase 3, ↑PARP cleavage[96]
RetinoblastomaHXO-RB44Apoptosis, cell volume shrinkage, chromatics agglutination, inhibits cell growth, cell cycle arrest at S phase↑caspase 3[117]

↑ increases expression, ↓ decreases expression